
  1. ‘Do you feel like an alpinist?’ Via Cassin on Piz Badile

    2021-09-09 17:26:28 UTC
    The latest edition of the all-American junk show’s attempt to climb the six classic alpine north faces. If you don’t want to read the whole TR and are just here for climbing info, scroll on down to the beta.  Someday, we’ll be good at this. Someday, we’ll climb a…

  2. Lombardia Ice

    2021-03-08 10:33:00 UTC
    After losing weeks to a Zona Rosso lockdown, and now confined only to Lombardia, the hunt for quality ice has been a struggle. Covid restrictions have put the world-class ice of Aosta Valley and Trentino frustratingly outside our grasp. Extending all the way to Bormio, Piz Bernina, and the Gran…

  3. Alpine Double Feature: Aiguille Marbrees and Dent du Geant

    2020-09-19 12:41:17 UTC
    I can never spell ‘Aiguille’ right the first time. Amidst the onslaught of rock we’d climbed this summer, Sid and I took time to climb some alpine objectives in the Mont Blanc area. First, we sent Aiguille Marbrees, a beautiful, easy ridge climb and traverse, characterized by (mostly) bomber granite…

  4. Into the Void: Via Comici on Cime Grande

    2020-08-19 11:21:53 UTC
    Forgive the hyperbole in the title, but it felt appropriate considering the series of rappels we made in complete darkness, including not one but two where our ropes didn’t reach the ground, forcing a midnight jumar session. More on that later.   We rolled out of Milan on Friday in Sid’s…

  5. Summertime Sends

    2020-08-01 15:24:00 UTC
    Aka all the places I’ve left gear and had to bail. A few images from a few  days of climbing, post-lockdown. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re looking for beta on any of these climbs. It’s hard to find accurate, English-language information for many of these routes; I  get…

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